I kicked my sister out of my wedding!

Plus, Aunt Karen & an intro to Wedding Confessions.

Welcome to Wedding Confessions

Hey there!

Welcome to the 1st edition of the Wedding Confessional. We're glad you're here!

Take a sec to give yourself a pat on the back for being such a smartie and signing up.

Go ahead… You deserve it.

No judgment at all. Seriously.

(cue dramatic pause)

See! Didn't that feel good?

(I know at least 1 of you did it. To you, thanks for participating - I can tell you like to have fun.)

It’s a place for vendors and couples to vent (or confess, get it) about the real ups and downs about all of it.

These are 100% real, anonymous stories.

Audience participation is a must for this to work. (Back pat guy, you’re the real-MVP so far)

You can submit your confessions by clicking here or replying to this email. I'll read it.

If you have a friend that would be into the gossip, send them to weddingconfessions.com

Everything here, of course, is always anonymous.

Who are you?

Call me Anon.

While I do want to stay Anonymous (for obvious reasons) I'll give you a few vague facts about yours truly:

In real life, I really am a wedding vendor.

I've been in the wedding industry since 2012.

I've been a part of at least 250 weddings.

I’ve worked with every type of wedding imaginable.

My favorites are always the simple tiny ones.

I’ve seen A TON of crazy things in my time and have hundreds of stories. I’ll share them as we go - but for now, that’s all you get! 🤐 

I’ll give more hints as these newsletters pick up.


The Confessions

Each week, wedding vendors and regular people send us their own confessions. Ranging from the funny and ridiculous, to overwhelmingly bleak and sad - these confessions are posted on our Instagram and the best ones, we save those for here.

🙏 💍 

My sister is a Narcissist. 😡 

I got married a bit ago and my sister wasn't there because we fought about something 3 weeks before and she is a narcissist.

I was in bits before the wedding. How could I get married without my one and only sibling when I had been her maid of honour the year before.

I didn't notice her absence the day of.

I noticed how calm and happy everything was.

I noticed how many people loved me and my husband.

I noticed the good food, the surprise and the everything around it.

I only noticed her absence when I looked at the pictures and I was a bit sad but with all the happy faces that basically screamed at me that they loved me, it wasn't too bad.

Anonymous Married - sent via DM


You don’t have to invite anyone you don’t want at your wedding.

Even if they are related by blood.

You absolutely don’t.

If you don’t take your own advice, take this random stranger’s whose newsletter you’re reading.

You 👏 don’t 👏 have 👏 to 👏 do 👏 it.

Incoming Wedding Dress Shortage 👗 

My aunt, who has never been married, apparently yelled at my mother because I haven't bought a dress yet and so my mother is letting me screw up my whole wedding because if I don't do this immediately there won't be any dresses I can get on time.

Y'all. Our wedding date is 14.5 months away.

Anonymous on Reddit

I mean… probably not?

Weddings really turn up people’s anxiety to 11.

Even the people who don’t have anything to do with anything.

Submit Your Confession

You want to, but you’re nervous. I get it.

3 Reasons to let it all out:

  • 100% Anonymous. So be brutally honest.

  • Takes 30 seconds.

  • Adds 10 years to your life.


If you enjoyed this newsletter, help your buddy Anon out and answer one or all of the following questions. We will include the best ones in next week’s Weekly Confessional.

  1. What's that weird thing that happened at the wedding you were at?

  2. If you could timewarp back to your wedding, what would you change?

  3. Least favorite wedding song? (Sweet Caroline suddenly comes to mind..)

Reply back to this email with your answers.

That's it! We'll see you here next Tuesday. Tell all your friends!
