💍 What People Realized AFTER Getting Married 😬

Three new confessions about the realities of marriage.

The Wedding Confessional

Hey, it’s Anon!

We’re back with another issue of the Weekly Confessional. The place where you can freely complain about that crazy Aunt you only have to see at holidays, thank god.

First, an apology for missing last week’s issue.

Us wedding vendors have a special name for the time between September and November.

It’s called, Hell. 🔥😈

Like I’ve said before - I’m a real wedding vendor and this is the time of the year that transforms all of us into little wedding robots.

Wake up.



Drive home.


Wake up and do it again.

Right now I’m doing that twice a weekend. But there are people who are doing it 3 or 4 times.

People just fucking like the leaves. 🍁

I thought about all of you, our readers and confessors, the entire time. Here’s hoping this issue is worth at least double.

Let’s go! 🥳

Wait! Don’t Miss Next Week’s Confessions!

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The Confessions

Each week, wedding vendors and regular-old people send in their own confessions. Ranging from the funny and ridiculous, to heartwrenching - these confessions are posted on our Instagram, and the best ones, we save those for here, first.

🙏 💍 

Can’t pick your family.. 🤷🏻‍♂️

They say you marry their family.

You absolutely do.

One day I was a girlfriend the next I was holding my husband's grandmother's hand while she died.

I was dragged into family fights the likes of which I'd never seen.

I've been loved and weaponized and defended like I could never fathom.

I laughed at people saying they married the whole family. I was so wrong.

When you know this is the one and only time you’re giving this marriage thing a shot:

My MIL is batshit crazy.

I'm extremely lucky she lives across the continent and I see her once a year. If anything happens to my partner, I'll be single forever or I'll marry an orphan.

I'm not going through this again.

I've been purposely given allergy attacks, told I'm a curse on the family, she tried to deny my partner life saving care and tried to cure his cancer with prayer and holy water.

My partner knows I have limits and boundaries, he also knows if he doesn't have my back with his narcissistic crazy ass mother I'll kick his ass to the curb.

His sister also hates me but that's jealousy, thankfully his brother and father are lovely.

You marry the family and if that family hates you? Married life becomes... difficult.

Then, there is the 1%

From day 1, my partner’s parents treated me like I was theirs too.

They genuinely love just being helpful and included in our lives, but never push or pressure.

Meeting them solidified everything for me: this is a family I want to be part of.

Weekly Question

Answer the question below - the best ones will be featured in next week’s Weekly Confessional.

Q: What did you realize after getting married?

Hit reply to this email and let us know!

That's it! We'll see you here with a fresh set of Confessions next Tuesday. ✌️
